Compelling Tale Publishing

I'm a writer from Alberta, Canada. Mystery writing is the genre I've chosen to explore and enjoy. I write about climate change, social issues, Canada and any other topics that catch my interest. After a varied working career as an underground miner, roughneck, gas well tester, cab driver, sewer maintenance worker, meat salesman, open-pit coal miner, federal tax assessor, lumberyard stock-picker, retail salesman, computer programmer, and information technology manager, novel writing marks my latest venture, an exploration of the creative arts. The Femdom Felony was my debut novel, published in 2020.
I live in Lethbridge, Alberta with my life partner, Anna and assorted cats. I'm currently working on various writing projects.
Exploring the Canadian experience from coast to coast is a favorite pastime. Spending time on the nation's Great Trail is my idea of paradise. Cycling, music, wine are all interests that I'll share from time to time.

Compelling Tale Publishing
Compelling Tale is the publishing imprint of Thomas Moffatt, established 2020. Contact: BooksLeTom at GMail dot com.